Luciano Iogna
Actor - Director - Writer - Facilitator - Instructor


Luciano Iogna  -  BIOGRAPHY (General):


Luciano Iogna has worked in film and theatre for forty-three years across Canada and internationally in Brazil, France, India, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States; hundreds of projects on four continents in nine different languages with more than one hundred and fifty different theatres, organizations, community groups and educational institutions as an actor, writer, director, dramaturge, designer, producer and teacher.

For thirty-three of those years, he has worked extensively using Forum Theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed techniques with issues and themes as diverse as AIDS and health, poverty, discrimination, workplace safety, sexual abuse and violence  -  with young children to street youth to seniors; with diverse cultural communities (Indigenous youth, Deaf adults, disabled youth and adults, etc.), women's groups, labour, professional associations, etc.  He has been a featured guest instructor at Toronto, Queen's, Mount Allison and Concordia universities in Canada, almost a dozen universities overseas and has led numerous workshops in Canada and abroad.  His articles have appeared in Transmissions and Tiyatro Yapım and he has co-authored the book HAYDİ ÇOCUKLAR SAHNEYE (Children to the Stage) with renown Turkish children’s theatre critic Nihal Kuyumcu.

Luc has been nominated or has won regional, national and international awards for innovative work in film and theatre for his writing, directing and design.  Two of his Forum Theatre plays for Young Audiences, produced by Toronto's Mixed Company Theatre (SHOWDOWN and HOW CAN YOU TELL?), were nominated for Dora Awards and, along with several other of his plays, have been translated into different languages and produced around the world.